We are on vacation and will be back in a couple weeks!

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Tea Party

New Year Celebration

Check out our new year celebration video. (Taken recently from our Chinese New Year Celebration Tea Party - 2010)

Nutrition Information

Effects of Tea
Catechin and its oxidized condensed product Anti-oxidization, prevention of cancer and anti mutagens, reduce cholesterol, lowering of blood pressure, regulate glycemia, prevent thromboembolism, build up resistance to bacteria, and regulate enterobacteria
Vitamin C Anti-oxidization, prevention of scurvy and cancer
Vitamin E Anti-oxidization, prevention of cancer, enhances chances of fertility
Carbohydrates Reduce blood-sugar level
Manganese Anti-oxidization, co-enzyme factor, improve the immune system Tea is one of the richest source of manganese in our diet , with 5-6 cups of tea providing 45% of our daily requirement
Zinc Prevention of skin inflammation, improve the immune system and sensation of taste
Selenium Anti-oxidization, prevention of cancer selenium can cooperate with other microelements such as zinc, copper and vitamins like vitamin E, C, A, and carotene to eliminate the body's metabolized waste
Flavonoid Strengthen elasticity of capillary walls, stimulate the body, strengthen the heart, accelerate metabolism
Common green and black tea leaves consist of about 25-30 percent flavonoids
Beta-carotene Anti-oxidization, prevention of cancer, improve the immune system
Fluorine Prevent tooth-decay
Caffeine Stimulate central nervous systems, accelerate energy, strengthen heart beats, and improve urination

Chinese Tea Culture Canada Inc.

This website and its content are the copyright of Chinese Tea Culture Canada Inc. Website designed by Felipe Belgine.